Haven’t played Baldur's Gate before but might start Baldur's Gate 3 later.
I don’t even know what Baldur's Gate is, it sounds like a town in North East Lincolnshire, where its claim to fame is they have two Co-ops.

Earlier version of this tweet had a grammatical error.
60gb and the game is only a third finished so far (early access), haha.
see you in 30 hours
well the opening was better than the final season of Game of Thrones, so that's nice
I thought this was some low budget indie game I was stepping in to. God's balls, I did no research.
Update: I killed everybody in my party 20 minutes in and had to quit.
rolling into 2021 like
"Shanties for the Bitch Queen"
Half Elf Avengers, assemble!
I just made out with a squid.
My merry band of buggered. I've killed the whole party 4 times so far, I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing.
Baldur's Gate 3 review so far: what is happening I keep dying send help
I'm gonna do this power pose from now on.
hello sailor
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