Mei Hanxue wrote his vows last week and he doesn’t even know if they are good or not but that doesn’t matter as long as they are from his heart.

He smiles.

“Ziming, I vow to love and protect you for the rest of my life” https://twitter.com/meng_mengis/status/1313211391826952194
“I’ll love and protect you as long as I live”

He takes deep breath.

“More than this moment, or any special ones. It all goes down to the first time for me. The feeling hit me the moment I first laid my eyes on you”
-“It was so...immediate, yet unrushed—far deeper and inexplicably beyond any calculation of time and place”
Mei Hanxue could feel tears forming in his eyes. He tries his best to comprehend the words on his lips.
“You don’t describe a feeling like that. You can’t replicate it or force it. You just let it flow in and around you. You go where it takes you..”

“These vows are more of privileges than promises. I get to cry and laugh with you. I get to run or walk with you”
—-I get to share everything with you”

He looks at Xue Meng before continuing.

“We fell together . We fell slowly and we fell hard. It was overwhelming but in a heartbeat you showed me everything that you did and everything you still do, there was no question.”
“I want you to be mine”

Mei Hanxue holds Xue Mengs hand, intertwining their fingers together.

“You allow me to be exactly who I am meant to be without hesitation and have never asked me to change .There were times when you were hurt.” Mei Hanxue gulps between those words.
“And it doubles the pain in me. You have helped me be more grounded and find calmness in myself. I know that it is not only my job to love you but to also make sure that you feel unconditionally accepted as the person you are. And now, I will always work toward doing that”
Mei Hanxue hears someone from the crowd crying and he smiles slightly.

“I promise to hold your heart tenderly and protect it fiercely. I promise not only to listen but to hear you. I promise to cherish, value and protect the families we have, the family we are becoming and the-
-family we have yet to build.”

Mei Hanxue lightly laughs when more tears pool his eyes. “Most importantly, I promise to replace all the lonely sunsets and so many happier wants to come. I’ll be yours and yours only”
“I love you. You know me better than anyone else in this world...my flaws, and every unpleasing thing about me and somehow you still manage to love me. You are my one true love. You are my Xue Meng, I’m still pinching myself. I still can’t believe that I’m marrying you”
“So thank you, Ziming. Thank you for choosing me. Thank you for everything. I vow to choose you and always even if I’m given a thousand choices. And even if I’m there or not, I will always, and always love you”
Mei Hanxue feels a wave of joy circulating inside him.

“Be it this world, or the after world, I, Mei Hanxue, will always love you, cherish you, protect you and wipe away your tears, help and swear to never ever let you experience the what being lonely means”
Mei Hanxue feels something warm streaming down this face, but he still manages to smile as he looks at Xue Meng, who is crying. He wipes away his tears and smiles, as if there was nothing in this world except both of them.
“I’ll love you, for you are the darling of the heavens, my darling, my Xue Ziming, the rarest gem. Rare gems are like you are hard to find, so I’ll protect you and love you, I’ll not let you cry or be alone ever again. I love you so much. Thank you for loving me”
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