I messaged you earlier with an abusive tweet then deleted it, but this was the point I meant (and failed) to make: We either need to reconcile our differences (if it's even possible) or I refuse to interact with you. If you think this is abusive, then I'd be 1/?
happy to correct myself. Either way, we need to talk for Kati's sake or she's going to suffer for it. I'll explain that failure to her because it's clearly, at this point, my decision. 2/?
I'm the asshole here, but I'm not the villain. I don't have the ability to argue in person, but I won't be unfair in an argument if it's through a DM as I've shown in public forums. 3/?
I don't see a path forward without you agreeing to either talk or let the familial relationship decay. Please feel free, again, to correct me if you feel like I'm failing to see a path forward. 4/4
My thoughts are a bit loose through this thread. I recognize that, but my point, I believe, is so far a balanced one. I've experienced a lot of cognitive dissonance over how to deal with our differences. I can't talk about it in person. Help me here.
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