I notice that those within my areas of culture/spiritual interest are still completely opposite from me just as those that I am connected with politically.
I genuinely love my country & my gothic/metalhead/LHP side.
Apparently, they are polar opposites. No wonder I’m outside
At times I see why there’s a divide. Majority of those “alternative” have always been judged & outcasted as godless & immoral. Sometimes stripped of individuality. Doomed to hell, punishment, & hated. Not worthy of love & need to be “saved” as in forced into Christianity.
Pagan ppl were brutalized by Christian missionaries. Women tortured & killed for “witchcraft.” Non-Catholics & “heretics” put to death/tortured during the Inquisition. In modern times, gay ppl barred from the military. All due to fear of punishment from God.
There is a belief that an American cannot love their country or a patriot unless they are Christian, Jewish, or New Agey despite the 1st Amendment. The pursuit of happiness is individualism. Allowing us to achieve what we want. The Constitution protects that.
You can be whatever you want & believe what you want. The government serves the ppl (or at least its supposed to). obviously, the government has not served the ppl since the 1840s. However, Americans have never treated e/o with respect or dignity.
So much fear & division amongst ourselves that we are willing to devastate innocent ppl over fear of divine punishment. Why? All it has led to is a cultural divide that allowed corrupt gov officials take advantage & exploit it. We now have Americans hating
And fearing each other over religion or lack of belief. We are basically no different than the corrupt gov that exploits us. Fear of God is no different than fear of a virus. Its the same shit. So sometimes I can see why so many young Americans grew to
Hate their own country. Why they are so quick to see it destroyed because it caused them pain. But is it really the country or the American ppl/gov that lost its way? That lost the meaning of the Constitution? Its not the country that failed them.
Its the ppl. Thnk of it this way: if parent(s) do not teach & guide their child & be there for them, that child is going to seek it elsewhere. And its usually places or ppl that prey upon the weak in order to gain power.
And that is what has happened. American kids have been abandoned & neglected. Taught to blame their country when its actually the ppl that have abandoned them. And it is this abandonment that allowed corruption to grow & fester. Americans have not only abandoned their
Individuality but their own children. Why say “God bless America” when its immediately connected to the Christian God? Why be an American patriot when those that claim to love America discriminate against their fellow citizens based on belief?
How can we be united when religion keeps us divided? MAGA is returning to our Constitutional principals. Not to make America a Christian power. Why does “under God” in our Pledge of Allegiance must refer to Christianity?
When can “God” finally become associated w/ the individual spirit? When can “under God” symbolize the American spirit united together? When can God Bless America symbolize the united individual love for the country? To protect the Constitution?
America cannot fully heal until its people heal themselves. Until then, I’m going to stay my creepy, spooky, dark, philosophical patriotic self. Since it is my Constitutional right.
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