deciding which yugioh card is the hottest
deleting this thread in a few min but. let's start it off with the japanese version of Dark Witch. This one shows more skin it got censored a bit when brought to the US. I like how shes kinda like "boy go away"
ok I don't have to talk much about why this card is hot. look at....all that fire. haha get it. but nah fr shes hot
i wish her prophecy was being like. with me or somethin u know wat I mean lol!!! haha. anyway yeah she kinda got this snooty but not racist look thats hot
dark magician girl kinda like. the basic choice. tbh her card art not rly all that hot. she just there thinking about dark magician boy fuckin on her or smth. but whatever she still high tier
dark magician girl the dragon knight a dif case. she proof it's not just 100% about being almost naked or nothing. that little window of thigh is powerful. strong contender i think
oops forgot to attach the pic. man why am i still doing this thread
ok so I'm not saying I would let Amazoness Queen step on me but. I'm not saying I wouldn't either. Also I gotta continue this thread I've come this far
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