The way *many* UK unis outright state that you should have at least either a Magna Cum Laude Bachelor's OR a Bachelor's + Master's from an "ELITE" Philippine uni to be eligible for postgraduate admission.🙃

YMMV but the fact that they have that rule doesn't sit well with me.đŸ€Ą
N=1 anecdote: An application I sent to a uni located in London was turned down because, apparently, my undergraduate grades "did not meet their minimum criteria." I had already been interviewed by the two profs with details about the project but PG Admissions was like: "No❀"
Mind you, I have an MSc with great grades, a few publications, but apparently my mediocre BSc will forever define my capability as a scientist.đŸ€ĄđŸ™ƒđŸ€Ą

I have long gotten over it 😌 but it showed me first-hand the barriers in academia against scholars from developing nations.🚧
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