I launched a thread to talk about bizarre scientific papers. Alas it was written in French but wait no more, here is its English cousin! #improbablescience
4⃣According to this US🇺🇸 study on 1,500 people, atheists sleep better than catholics or protestants. So skip the bedtime prayer and start counting sheep!😴 https://academic.oup.com/sleep/article-abstract/43/Supplement_1/A76/5847064?redirectedFrom=fulltext
1⃣3⃣After lightning⚡️ killed more than 300 reindeers in Norway🇳🇴, zoologists have observed that rodents🐀 have deserted the area for 2 years: fear of decaying carcasses or scare of ravens that feast on them? https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rsos.191644
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