How to generate leads with a free email course:

A detailed thread of the why, what, and how... 👇
Why choose an email course as a lead magnet?

- You only need your email service provider to deliver it.
- You don’t need to invest time or hire someone to design a fancy PDF.
- You can adjust it quickly if needed.
- It gets people into the habit of opening your emails.
What should your email course be about?

Instead of telling your new subscribers exactly what to do or how to do it (which involves effort), tell them what to think first.

Help them adopt a new mindset that’ll help them take the right actions later.
5 steps to developing your free email course:

1/5 Brainstorm:

- Myths about the industry
- False beliefs about what’s important
- Misconceptions about the best way to solve their problem
- Limitations – self-imposed or real
- Pitfalls your audience lands in
2/5 Write the emails

Here’s a 4-part framework:

- Name: Call out the myth, misconception, or limitation.
- Agitate: Show how this way of thinking is not serving them.
- Reframe: State what’s actually true.
- Benefits: Show how they can benefit from reframing.
3/5 Set up the automation in your ESP

Now you can create an automation so that your emails are delivered automatically to anyone who subscribes to your course. I’d recommend sending the emails one day apart from each other.
4/5 Create a landing page for your audience to opt in

These are the elements you should include on your landing page:

- Headline
- Who’s this for
- Bullets
- Your bio
- Form to sign up
- Call-to-Action button
5/5 Promote your email course

3 ways to do that:

- Include opt-in forms directly on your website, e.g., on the homepage, and below each blog post.
- Promote your landing page on social media networks.
- Send people there manually whenever you feel someone can benefit it.
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