i was 12 when i started this fanpage and for years, i’ve been the biggest fan of witney. i’m 19 now and would say i am still a fan of hers. however, her life has changed so much and she’s moving on... it was time for me to as well, to really find myself and not just be her fan.
the point is, if you’re lucky like me... they’ll remember you. i’m still just a fan to her though, and i hope she still remembers me or like me lol. but gosh you’ll look back and realize just how much time/effort you spent on the pros, and lost yourself.
a notice is amazing, meeting them is surreal, we’re fascinated by celebrities. in the end of the day, ask yourself if what you’re doing for them is reciprocated. some pros have disappointed me so much and let fame get to their head, when i thought i knew them differently?
it’s sad it took me this long to realize all of this. i want to use this platform to actually support people who deserve it, who have been sincere with me. keep supporting whoever y’all want, and begging for attention but just know it says a lot about you.
You can follow @witneycarsonfan.
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