The world seems to have gone all to shit.
Angry hatemongering bigots are given huge platforms & attain quasi celebrity.
People trying to save people & planet are getting stalked & attacked.
What does that say about our world?
It's not a world I even want to be a part of.
I'm saddened.
I'm sickened.
I'm at my wits end.
Police are attacking & killing people because the color of their skin.
Protesters are being threatened, beaten, jailed.
Entitled people want an "exciting" candidate rather than get a racist madman out of office.
More people are killed/killing globally in the name of religion.
Centuries of hate, death & destruction.
Have we learned nothing from history?
Will a great number humans never learn?
Are we incapable of becoming better?
Are we doomed to keep repeating the same wanton disregard for eachother & the planet?
We seem to go 2 steps forward, 3 back.
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