So as I’m doing research, for a video that has literally, nothing. to do with current events,it’s about Roswell. the crash, that did or did not happen there. this one book, which is whack a doodle. (Yes, that is technical term ) day after Roswell by col. Philip j Corsica ( ret)
Has a forward, written by a now deceased senator. The level of fear and anger. that,reading this forward, put into my mind. is hard to describe. From what I understand. Keep in mind this is only from this forward in about 10 minutes worth of googling
FYI Martin Luther King Jr. was not a communist
In this, time in American history, “McCarthyism” is in my opinion, one of the most terrifying points in American history. Basically put it was like what first amendment what freedom of speech what freedom of the press.
I want to believe that, the Republican Party. has gotten better, I want to believe, that they are passed, McCarthyism. that they are passed, white supremacy. However I can’t,
right now the Republican Party. is holding, up somebody. Who not only is a white supremacist. is also somebody, who I can just about guarantee. he would believe in McCarthyism until it came to hit him
Oh and of course the, homophobia that is within, McCarthyism. Yeah J Edgar Hoover, Who was totally straight. ( 🙄 yeah right) ended, up saying that gay men. were basically communists. blackmail, them and rounded them up to hang out with him I wish I was kidding
This is why history matters, not only am I able to look, at a book. about an event, that’s well over 60 years old. At this point. I can then take, a step back. A snapshot, of the world at the time. Understand, people‘s fears peoples political beliefs and the ways
In which their world. is changing, For instance we often talk about a pre-911 world and a post 9/11 world. It’s a very similar concept. Where are you grew up. when you grew up. what was going on politically, socially, economically. all affect,how you see the world.
History is so important. it’s way more than names, and dates and places. it is the story, of people. events, the things that of happened. in the ways so we have changed. quite often and unpredictably how the world will change.
So yeah that’s a Snapchat into my brain as I do research. 🤣 I really wish I could be one of those people that goes for 10 minutes. But yeah I know not acceptable.
Also, I’m going to be adding. to this thread. 🧵 with the crazy shit. In this book, like the author claims, that all modern technology. comes from the Roswell crash. soooo that’s fun......
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