One of the frustrating things about TRoS was that it contained so many elements of what could have been a much better film.
*stops in the hallway next to a door labeled "STAR DESTROYERS," pauses for several long breaths, steels himself and keeps walking*
Starting from the top--from the TOP, people--it took the Visual Dictionary to tell us that the mooks Kylo Ren wastes in the intro are Vader cultists.


Kylo Ren the VADER WEEB SUPREME vs. all other Vader fanbois is HELLS OF compelling.
Give me the Shadows of Mordor game that is just Kylo Ren working his way through the people who think they are more into his grandfather then he is
I'm realizing that I really shot myself in the foot on this thread by disavowing Those Goddamn Star Destroyers. Because dat cavalry charge tho

Siri mashup Iron Maiden's "The Trooper" with the Matrix's "not like this," thanks
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