I'm going to preface this thread with an apology to @BradleyWhitford cause this is weird and something I wouldn't normally do but... shit's whack, yo, and I gotta cope. Mr. Whitford, I'm so sorry.

Before I get to the point, y'all should know that I probably have the WORST 1/?
references for Mr. Whitford. Yup. It starts with Billy Freaking Madison, when I was probably nine or ten years old. It's so bad that every time I meet another Eric/Erik my brain immediately goes to, "EWIK'S PWEGNANT!" or "Business Ethics suuuuuuuck!" Which are just so dumb 2/?
But I laugh every damn time. Second reference, cleaning up my rep a bit, is Cabin In The Woods. Yes. Probably one of my favorite horror movies ever. Merman will always make laugh.

For some reason, I felt it necessary to time travel after that and watch Sunset 60. 3/?
I don't know why. But it was worth it. Especially when I went back to the future and watched Get Out, and got damn was that AMAZING.

I know what you're all thinking. What the hell is with this woman? Why has she not mentioned THE SINGULAR MOST IMPORTANT TV SHOW MR. WHITFORD 4/?

Look, Perfect Harmony is on my to-watch list.

Just kidding, I FINALLY binged ALL of the West Wing while on maternity leave in 2018/2019 and FELL IN LOVE. And I mean that in the least creepy way possible.

The point of this thread is to help y'all understand 5/?
this next part. I've been REALLY anxious about the election (like most people) and lately it's damn near all I think about.

I had a nightmare the other night. Tr*mp tried to kidnap me. But then it turned into the best dream ever because BRADLEY FUCKING WHITFORD RESCUED ME. 6/?
If you made it this far thank you. I totally don't expect you to see this but if you do, thank you, Mr. Whitford. You're a light in these dark times.

Vote. Donate. Volunteer. But most of all, please stay safe.
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