Remember how Karl Rove and Dana Perino said that what really gets Latinos going is TaX CuTs and aNtI-SoCiAlIsM talking points? No, it's this, it's law and order, it's physical security from idiot BLM agitators. You want more Latinos? Bring on the positive caudillo politics.
The last thing said in Spanish is: "Call the police." Why are Republicans are so utterly bereft of testicular fortitude that they can't see and act on the fact people want security over pandering and criminal justice reform?
Also, there are certainly good people who are the fence, needing to be convinced, so a huge issue is not having politicians that can frame arguments to counter prevailing narratives without resorting to imbecilic slogans like "the 1994 Demokkkrat crime bill was racist!"
Basically a lot of decent people have to live in fear of this sort of thing because both parties, from Congress to the White House, refuse to take meaningful action to protect communities
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