If I were to set up a podcast or other medium focused on a) the structural problems in the academy (not just limited to the economic side), b) socialist organizing, and esp c) doing research and teaching outside the university, would you be interested in sharing your expertise?
Paying people for their labor would be a core value from the get-go, but I’m short on capital so it might depend on being able to get a Patreon running or getting some grant money
Anyway if it’s something you’d be willing to contribute to financially, let me know here. If you think you have something to say and wouldn’t mind taking an IOU for it, leave a comment or shoot me a DM. Also please boost this thread if you can
To be clear, your expertise just might be your story about being an adjunct and/or leaving the academy. This is partly about imagining an alternative to our higher Ed, but it’s also (eventually) about giving people who have so much to contribute the chances they deserve
You can follow @ben_c137.
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