My brother @albertlewitinn and my dad were mentioned on @CNN tonight by @donlemon. As he mentions, my dad’s been in the ICU for 200 days. No LTACs will take him because he’s not profitable. Including @CareOneLTACH who reneged their acceptance the morning my dad was to be admitted
Shame on @CareOneLTACH ... shame on them for what they did to my family and to my father. They refused my dad, Marc Lewitinn, because getting IVIG treatment wouldnt be profitable for them. Call them and complain on our behalf, please: 201-781-1555
Hey @CareOneMgt ... sorry I didn’t tag you in my initial tweets. Despite my father’s physicians advocating on his behalf you have decided on profits over patients. If the covid+ POTUS can leave his hospital for a drive by my covid- father should be able to get his IVIG treatment.
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