Problems I've noted with classrooms:
- a lot of cleaning happening (sanitizing desks 2x day, materials bw each use, door knobs 3x day) for classrooms that have poor ventilation for the most part and students who are eating with no masks and little distancing
- students touch each other ALL THE TIME, waiting to wash hands, in line, out on recess, but aren't allowed to actually cohort and play together for positive mental health
- we are quarantining paper (72 hours) but students have masks of with no distancing for 30-50 mins/day
- Core French teachers teach many classes per day, ESL and Spec. Ed support teachers teach many as well, doesn't this mean we are all one "cohort" as we have to hand out materials, help students and move around a classroom in order to teach with any efficacy
- French Immersion teachers are teaching two classes at the very least (so are there ETFI partners) so their "cohort" is already 40-70 students
- again, students eat together inside without masks everyday with no minimum distancing (and winter is coming so windows closed)
- public health has been saying that teachers and students are not close contacts because they are wearing masks, however, students come into our personal space many (10-30+) times per day (not meaning to)
- some students don't follow distancing rules for various reasons
- teachers, EAs, lunch monitors, ECEs, Ps, and VPs all do "duty" which means they supervise children for lunch and recess. This means that the "cohort" increases by that supervisor and all the other children they work with that week (sometimes the whole school in a week)
- There are many little moments that people don't understand about schools: body breaks for Ss who need to move mean students need to leave class and could bump into another class or student, evacuations mean it's more important to get out of class than worry about contacts
- emergencies for students can include unsupervised movements like: washroom, water, injuries, anger, anxiety, frustration, accessibility needs, lost items, found items, forgotten items
- we still have to have Fire Drills, and lockdown drills (usual non-distanced)
All this being said, a lot of what is "happening" doesn't work for children, schools, or healthy education. People in charge and the public aren't actually aware of what happens in a classroom and everyone forgot to ask students and teachers.
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