Discourse is fine, but what is anyone actually doing to help kids in awful situations right now?
She can't run away, there's fewer beds for homeless and runaway youth than ever before and the situation wasn't great "before".

Even if they did, family reunification is the goal for anyone under 18, especially if their parents say all the right things.
Literally the only discomfort the entire system isn't set up to protect her parents from is the disease they all have.
So yes, YA authors are going to talk about the strength of 15yo girls and how often the system discounts and underestimates them because it's something we not only CAN do, it's what we ARE doing to help change the mentality.
And yes, this is a subtweet of subtweets and no one's going to see it, but I'm tired.

Tired of a dayjob where so much energy they could go toward helping these exact kids is wasted on office drama.

Tired of discourse that has a lot of blame and not a lot of better solutions.
And if you want to know why I put so much energy into fluffy escapism it's because I was just like Claudia and no one ever came to help me either.

But books did.
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