
And groups like ACEP wonder why they are hemorrhaging paying members... https://twitter.com/ACEPNow/status/1313237822577561602
I think Kendi is an interesting voice politically. I don't agree with him much, but he is thought provoking.

Just not sure his philosophy translates over to the doctor patient relationship. Sure there are racism issues there...but his approach doesn't get us very far.
"Every individual lives in a neighborhood. And chances are that neighborhood has racial disparities. Every individual operates in an institution, whether that’s their job, whether that’s their church, whether that’s a club."

OK, agreed. Next?
"Chances are their institution has racial disparities or is doing nothing in the face of racial disparities. And so I think every individual can look around their own neighborhood...and ask, ‘Well, who here is challenging the policy that is leading to these racial disparities?’
OK, so far so good. I agree. We should challenge the system.

" And they can join with those people, they can join that organization...Then you become that organizer. Every single individual has the power to do that."

So...this year Kendi is serving as the Frances B. Cashin Fellow at the Radcliffe Institute for the Advanced Study at Harvard University.. Good for him!
So...um...has he supported the Students for Fair Admissions...who filed a case (and lost) to call Harvard's admission standards racist to Asians?


"Kendi boils racist ideas down to an irreducible core: Segregationist ideas contend racial groups are created unequal. Assimilationist ideas, as Kendi defines them, argue that both discrimination and problematic black people are to blame for inequalities."
So, by remaining silent at an institution that he serves at, that has specifically discriminated against minorities. what should we learn from Kendi?

Basically...talk is cheap.
Its easy for elites to talk about challenging the system, speaking truth to power, etc...when those truths help your adopted power structure.

That, too, is bigotry. But Kendi doesn't seem to care about that. And why a physician group wouldn't challenge him on that is beyond me.
That, again, doesn't mean Kendi isn't a useful voice...I like listening to his ideas.

But again, his ideas don't mean much when he, himself, can't bring himself to follow his own diktats.
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