Trump got some great care over at Walter Reed. But here's how it usually goes...I went into the Emergency Room last February with a still undiagnosed illness. I had a fever, a splitting headache, terrible pain in my back and sides, nausea. It was the sickest I'd ever been. (1)
They said it was probably kidney stones and sent me home with Flomax. I got sicker as the day went on, so in the afternoon I went back to the hospital. They thought I was a junkie looking for meds, so they made me suffer with no pain relief except Tylenol. (2)
I was in and out of consciousness. My girlfriend overheard them saying something about giving me a drug test to make sure I wasn't an opioid addict (which I'm not). And she advocated for me and yelled at them to give me the damn test if they don't believe me. They did. (3)
And billed my insurance 500$ for it, for which I'm on the hook for 20%. Test came back negative, they finally gave me some Dilaudid. Which was some temporary relief. I passed out in our little sheeted curtain room for a bit. (4)
they were going to release me the next morning at around 5 am, but my girlfriend said I didn't look too good and wanted them to take my temp. It was 104. So instead of releasing me, they admitted me. (5)
I was in for the next 4 days and nights hooked up to an IV pumping me full of antibiotics and antivirals. Taking test after test for every infectious disease, including tropical diseases because I had been Puerto Rico a month earlier. I was negative for everything. (6)
They took ultrasounds of all my organs looking for an infection and found nothing wrong. I felt terrible this whole time and they were very strict with the pain relief regiment, so I stayed miserable and sick. (7)
The final night, my nurse was pretty mean, (I nicknamed her Nurse Ratchet), and I was hooked up to tubes and had to pee in a pitcher, so I needed her help with everything. I decided in the middle of the night that no matter what, I was getting out of there. (8)
I forced myself to walk around the halls with my IV the next day. I took a shower in their dirty bathroom and convinced them to let me go. They did. Went home, feeling terrible and proceeded to lose a total of 50 pounds over the next few months. (30 of which I put back) (9)
felt fatigued for months after. But A week after dischage, I still felt sick and went for a followup and they told me I had gotten a candida (yeast) infection in my guts. (10)
Which is common in hospitals because it is an out of control fungus that thrives in the hospital environment and infects patients who have antibiotics in their systems. (11)
So, in the end, the doctors had no idea what was wrong with me and had no diagnosis or treatment, and the hospital gave me an internal yeast infection for which I had to take hundreds of dollars of medication. (12)
Luckily, I had some Bronze Obamacare insurance, so the bill for all this wonderful care was just over 6 thousand dollars. 200$ of which was 2 drug tests to prove I wasn't an opioid junkie. (13)
I hadn't had insurance for the past 6 years after losing eligibility in Screen Actors Guild. So, this was just lucky timing. Otherwise, if this had happened only 3 months earlier, the bill would have been well over 60K. Which would have bankrupted me. (14)
The reason I tell this story is to tell you to not listen to our president. If you have to go to the hospital like he did, your experience will probably be more like mine than his. (15)
Be very afraid of getting a sickness like Covid-19 that could land you in the hospital. It is a terribly unpleasant experience. It's expensive and it can take months to recover.

You don't want this. (16)
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