Id like to make a post just to educate you guys about triggers. today in therapy I got confirmation on this and its a HUGE problem in the AC community if you're a person who says "you triggered me and I am not responsible for how I react" this is wrong.
you are absolutely responsible for your actions after being triggered. it is YOUR responsibility to be able to control yourself no one else. being triggered is not a viable excuse to tell someone to k word themselves or to be a terrible rude person.
if you often find yourself triggered and don't know any coping mechanism to help I recommended learning about Dialectal behavioral therapy, Cognitive behavioral therapy or Cognitive processing therapy and speaking to a professional. what is important is
to stop spreading FALSE information about mental health. I can't believe how many people are saying this. I dont know where it started or why its such a big thing in this community but I worked HARD to get where I am to over come and rewire my brain and it is
not okay for people to say that being triggered releases them from taking responsibility of their actions. if you have mentally health problems you have to work towards coping and getting better. you need to lear how to process your triggers healthy.
oh also IK a lot of people can't afford to get professional help but a lot of information for coping skills can be found online. in my experience DBT has the best so I would start there!! this is the end of this thread ty đź’•
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