Your daily reminder that local politics make a huge impact! Curb cuts, school boards, library funding, funding for state-based health programs-it’s all a huge deal to people in our communities.

Local and state politics are a big deal
You can get involved in lots of ways! Town halls, starting programs at your local library, supporting candidates that have your values, even writing an op ed for your local paper.

There’s something for everyone.
If you need help understanding your options, consider contacting your elected officials, nonprofits, or advocacy groups on a given issue.

(The more local the group is, the more stuff they’ll know about near you!)

Local chapters of national nonprofits are great for this.
I know we’re in a moment right now where it feels like every important decision is out of our hands-but grassroots and community-led work (electoral and not) have enormous power.

Don’t give up on the national fights-but also, don’t overlook what’s immediately around you.
You can follow @SnoringDoggo.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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