Hi I work in on-farm food safety & I ABSOLUTELY ENDORSE THIS MESSAGE https://twitter.com/alwaystheself/status/1313252011161325568
Do these things contradict each other: nope.

There's a big ol' streak in settler culture about how basic hygiene is girly shit, YOU don't have to wash your hands bc YOU'RE not gross https://twitter.com/AlexandraErin/status/1313242634295664648?s=19
"and oh hehehe look at all these furriners dying of disease bc THEY'RE dirty. it's the hand of the lord I tell ya"

This is literally the narrative they've been using to explain away massive meat plant worker deaths y'all.
"They just live in filthy crowded conditions," explained the people who pay them shit for wages
The White House zoo rn has its own stupid logic. Deep down we all know status & wealth protect you from disease.

Therefore, getting sick is a tell that you're not wealthy & powerful "enough."
This admin's entire policy platform is "being winners" so ofc they're doing everything they can to hide it. Reality makes the magical thinking go away.
There's no way in hell they're faking it. Folks from that Rose Garden party keep getting sick, DC Republicans are dropping like flies, the janitors & maids are starting to get sick.

Secret Service agents are gonna get it in about a week if they haven't already.
It's in their best interest to pretend they're Teflon to viruses.

I've worked with a lot of fancy people & ongoing outbreaks.

It's ALWAYS much worse than it looks. They're so emotionally invested in the idea of their own infallibility, they can't admit reality to *themselves.*
And that emotional investment almost always comes down, in some way, to fears of inadequacy; white supremacy; and especially fears around masculinity.
side note: this is why I am the best/worst food safety consultant

people think I'm there to "do paperwork" & next thing they know I'm talking shit about their relationship with their own mortality

nobody wants that in a food safety trainer, BUT THEY NEED IT,,
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