A thread of why Lin-Manuel Miranda isn’t this horrible person that some exposé threads have tried to make him out to be:
Hamilton coming to Disney+ has thrust him and these issues back into the spotlight, so I want to help clear confusion.
Also, this thread is not for his haters, because those who want to hate him always will no matter what I or anyone else says. Even if he apologized today, people who want to hate him still will. This is for the people who are confused as to why he’s “cancelled”.
Under tweets of people either confused as to why Lin is getting hate or who are tweeting support of him, I keep seeing people tag these two viral threads “exposing” him and I’m getting sick of it, because they’re so misleading. So I wanted to clear some stuff up...
...for the people who are confused. First, I’m going to copy the two threads that have gone viral for cancelling him, so you can get the background info. I will also cover it in this thread, but for more in depth info you can go read them first. https://twitter.com/lxzdanelly/status/1279239425365549056
Like I said, I’m really sick of people dropping these threads and promoting this information to people who will read it and take it as truth because they don’t know any better. So this is sort of a response to these to clear confusion. https://twitter.com/fawsettoland/status/1285263991640596480
So, the first problematic thing he has done is use the n word. (This is really the most valid argument, and the rest are pretty far stretches or half truths, which I will go over in a second.) To my knowledge, he has publicly used the n world 4 times.
For context, two of these occasions were reading audio books, and the other two were while singing. I won’t be posting the videos here, but you can find them in the threads above if you’d like.
So, even though the context of the situation isn’t from a hateful place, and he’s not a white man (which I think is worse...), it’s still not ok and inexcusable. I understand that. I cannot defend that, and none of us try to.
As a white person, it is 100% NOT my place to forgive him now, or if he ever does apologize in the future (to my knowledge he hasn’t formally apologized yet). It is also not my place to tell Black people how to feel about this, and I’m not trying to speak over anyone.
Like I said, this is the worst thing that I can’t defend. However, there is a big difference between having said something racist in the past and actively being a racist. Ibram X. Kendi explains this in “How to Be an Antiracist” much better than I can ⤵️
He is a longtime supporter of Black Lives Matter and racial injustice in this country. Again I cannot and will not defend this, I’m just tring to illustrate that not everything is so black and white, including racism.
Next is his public support of the Obama era PROMESA Bill in 2016. This was legislation that was suppose to help Puerto Rico, but essentially ended up doing a lot of harm instead of good.
Lin obviously isn’t a mind reader and couldn’t have foreseen how it would turn out. But when he realized the harm it was doing, he withdrew his support of the bill. To say he was in support of the harm it was doing to Puerto Ricans is just untrue.
While he never did apologize for having supported the bill, he did stop supporting it and said he was in support of his cousins who were marching against it, as you can see in these 2017 tweets ⤵️
Next up, Hamilton Puerto Rico. Two months after Hurricane Maria hit PR, Lin reprised his role as Hamilton and brought the show to the island to raise money. He had intended to eventually bring the show to PR one day anyway.
In doing this, he raised $14 million for the arts on the island. Some people had issue with the money raised going towards the arts, which seem unessential, but he explains why here ⤵️ (he raised a lot of money for “essentials” through other means).
However, the biggest issue that arose from this was the location. The place he had originally designated to stage the show was causing problems for local artists, so he changed the location. Still, some people were still mad he was going through with the show.
Some of those reasons are outlined here in this screenshot of one of the threads. I don’t have much of a response to this because it’s such a reach and just untrue. His intention was never to insinuate that the only way to help the island was to see Hamilton 🙃
I’ve seen no evidence that he “blamed” the students for having to move the location, or being upset by having to move the location at all.
Basically, the biggest takeaway for me is that his intentions and heart were in the right place, and he was just trying to do his part to help in the best way he knew how. Saying he’s a money-hungry pro-imperialist asshole who doesn’t give a shit about PR is an unfair stretch.
Trigger warning / sexual assault

Next, he has supposedly blocked people who have asked him to speak on these things, as well as the issue of Amar Ramasar and his sexual assault. I’ve seen no evidence of this, but also god knows what the blocked people actually said to him.
I believe he will come back to Twitter and apologize for everything when he is ready, but harassing him to apologize or hating on him will not help or change the situation.
Next, his anti-bootlegging comments. I haven’t even seen them, but I guess he has come out against Broadway/live theatre bootlegs, and has said that the only right way to watch theatre is so see it live, which obviously many people can’t afford.
This isn’t great, but you have to understand he’s coming from the place of someone who has spent YEARS, through blood sweat and tears, creating two hit Broadway shows. Him wanting his hard work to be respected is understandable, however I see how this is problematic.
I’m only going to cover like two more things, so bear with me. I didn’t want to leave anything out and I wanted to make this as informative as possible. Next we have his incorrect claim that the Hamilton proshot on Disney+ is of the OBC (original Broadway cast).
I don’t have a lot to say for this, maybe he was just misspoke or he was generalizing. Again, the point is that he isn’t evil & this isn’t cancel worthy. He’s always been very supporting of his Hamilton costars.
Last thing is “his treatment of the Hamilton cast”. As far as the money everyone was making and everything, it’s a very complicated issue that Lin doesn’t really have control over. This article explains it all ⤵️ https://www.bloomberg.com/features/2016-hamilton-broadway-profit/
He’s also been getting a bunch of just straight up hate about his physical appearance, and for some reason over the last few months it’s become an actual thing/trend on the internet to hate him & call him ugly and shit. You all saw the lip biting trend on TikTok. https://twitter.com/nostalgicuitra/status/1312890119519698944
People who were jumping on that bandwagon were using these things as reasons to justify hating on him and his appearance. Making fun of the way someone looks is never ok, and you wouldn’t want someone to do it to you, so please just stop.
So that’s all. I’m not trying to start shit or argue with his antis, I’m just trying to help clear some confusion over the situation. If you see someone dropping those threads and saying “here’s why you should hate him”, just drop this one in response 🙂
Again, he’s not perfect, NOBODY IS, and he’s made mistakes, just like EVERYBODY else. I’m sure he doesn’t agree with everything he has ever said and done, just like I’m sure you don’t agree with everything you have ever said or done. The point is he is not an evil person.
I’m not trying to make excuses for him or say everything he’s ever done is ok, I’m aware he’s a grown man who can speak for himself, but I’m trying to show that life isn’t so black and white and cancel culture needs end. People can grow, and we should let them.
ALL people should be held accountable for their actions, and the glorification of celebrities and fans thinking they can do no wrong needs to end. But cancel culture is toxic and will not solve anything. Please just remember to be kind, and allow people room to grow ❤️
Oh shit I almost forgot, Hamilton. People hate Lin because they hate Hamilton & find it very problematic. Please remember this: it’s a work of art. It’s the telling of a story. It was never his intention to glorify the founding fathers or condone their actions.
He has said that he understands all the criticisms, and that they’re valid. At the end of the day, he did the best he could in the time allotted with an insane amount of information. As for having slave owners played by POC, again, it’s a piece of art & the telling of a story.
In Lin’s words, “It’s America then, told by America now.” He’s done so much for POC on Broadway, breaking barriers and providing opportunities that are continuing to this day. I think it always comes back to intentions and where the heart is coming from...
... and his is always from a good place. He is a good person, and it shines through in everything he does, just watch any interview of his. We have to learn how to separate honest mistakes from truly evil actions and bad people.
Oh yeah, and he has supported Autism Speaks in the past. He no longer does, and many people have no idea how damaging of an organization it really is. Education is so important, rather than attacking. http://boycottautismspeaks.org/ 
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