I tend to think in terms of analogues to movies, tv shows, novels to understand the present. There’s something about Trump right now - it’s an analogue to something but I can’t quite place it. Vaguely tragic, mostly ridiculous, but above all just stupid. A sick old man ...
2/ possibly about to get very sick, doing some great dictator antics while obviously struggling to breath. Seemingly in the midst of a manic episode brought on by medication, helped forward by his army of cronies and toadies and sycophants. What movie is it?
3/ For idiosyncratic reasons it is reminiscent to me of some themes in Blake Edwards SOB. But I can’t think past the squalid, terrified, soul dying image of an obviously ill man recording videos claiming he hasn’t felt better in decades. Is it the emperor has no clothes?
4/ These schlock heroic set pieces where he looks out historically over the terrain outside the White House. Helicopter in the foreground, dramatic lighting. Who is he kidding? But his people support it all. No one will say how ridiculous it is.
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