For those people still wondering how Trump's base hasn't abandoned him yet, consider the idea that his base while now more crazed than ever, was already primed through decades of manipulation from right-wing media.
This problem didn't originate with Trump, and neither will it leave with him. The @GOP can be as malicious as they want to the Republic, because their supporters have been conditioned to be blind to any evil they do.
With no accountability from their base, the @GOP have no reason to fear their own supporters, and can act with impunity.
The only solution to this problem is long term education of the American people about the dangers of propaganda, and the elimination of disinformation outlets themselves.
However, in order to effectively teach propaganda, we must also teach basic neuroscience.

People will need to learn how emotional triggers which originate in the lesser evolved part of the brain will override conscious thought from the more evolved primate brain.
People will need to come to understand that consuming content, any content, will program us, whether we believe it or not.
"Neurons that wire together, fire together."

Emotional memories can be stored with links to other memories, such as sight and sound. With enough repetition, a person can be conditioned via image or audio to invoke a specific emotional response.
You can follow @RodneyCaston.
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