Living a life of freedom is much more difficult than living a life of rules. This is one thing I wish Christian's would understand. When we hold Love as the highest law we are released into a freedom where consent and other centerdness becomes our prime directive.
To step outside the ethic of Love is to be selfish. We see many in the church stepping outside Love by wanting others to conform to their idea of what is "right."
Sin is the big scary word that Christian's tie themselves to. It's the monster of the old law. It has to do with power and dominance over another and causing harm.
When Love replaces the fear of "sin" we begin to understand that "unhindered consent" from another becomes our measuring rod. If our actions take away someone's consent or freedom then that is not Love.
We find it written all over the New Testament that Love is the Royal Law...the highest law. Galations 5:6 says "The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself in Love."
1Corinthians13:13 says "and now these three remain: Faith, Hope, and Love. But the greatest of these is Love." It does not say heresy hunting or sin finding is anything at all. Yet we see the church is stuck to rules and often has no idea what living out Love is.
It manipulates and coerces the believer to conform all the while saying "that's Gods standard." How sad is that?!
Rules make you feel safe. It's easy to live in a box. It doesn't require much of you. Moving to freedom makes life way more complicated but far more rich because it allows us to flourish in diversity.
When Christian's use the verses where Jesus says he didn't come to abolish the law but fulfill it to show we are still under rules and regulations etc they do not realise the huge inconsistency this leaves them in.
If this is the case than every old testament rule is still in play but they certainly don't live that way. That's a huge clue to their view being flawed and self serving. They say "the bible is clear" yet fail to realise they are applying their very own interpretation.
Because of the law of Love I have no problems with other peoples lifestyle choices. Monogamy, nonmonogamy, poly etc or sexual identities and the marriages that go along with that. These are all different expressions of Love.
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