We’ve been really excited to watch the @flow_blockchain ecosystem develop and see feedback incorporated from the community.

In case it's helpful, here are some initial observations we’ve made in the process of preparing @opensea for NFTs made on Flow:

The Resource model of programming is innovative.

It means data structures like dictionaries or mappings in other languages aren’t the sole arbiters of who “owns” an asset. Instead, ownership is controlled by cryptography more directly, in Cadence. https://docs.onflow.org/tutorial/cadence/00-introduction/

This allows the system to more natively reflect the way people own real-world things. From a security perspective, this could be exciting for some applications that inadvertently hold themselves back when programming distributed systems.

Accounts have so many more abilities than in other chains. Built-in multisig, script execution, public/private sandboxing and more. We think these features will unlock some interesting applications that we haven’t seen yet.

Finally, the developer tools are great! Accessing the node is straightforward. gRPC is much cleaner than the JSON RPC methods common with other chains. The docs and emulator / playground are well-done.

You can tinker away with them here: https://docs.onflow.org/ 
You can follow @xanderatallah.
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