More mild discord leaks.

Shoe does not understand why people are not as miserable as her, says she was never on the same side as any of you and thinks of her conservative followers as “annoying exes”
Shoe and co. joking about her having an “antifa fetish” and dodging a question about Vaush

“Just admit what we all know, coward.”
Shoe comparing Short Fat Otaku to a nazi
Shoe giving tips on how to hurt cops
Shoe implying she’s been involved with Antifa
Shoe talking about how she RESENTS her audience (you) and wants to grab you and shake you
Shoe saying she’s eventually going to become a socialist.
Some weird shit
Shoe avoiding her own discord server because she’s scared of someone with a different opinion being there.
Shoe refuses to comment because she thinks Vaush is hot now
Last one for today
Adding the most important one to this thread for posterity. Full mask off.
Shoe says Sargon saying he would side with the right over the sjws “fuck her up”
Shoe using serious “us” vs “them” language and alluding to violence
Shoe blatantly implying she would fuck Vaush
Shoe calling conservatives sociopaths. This of course would also include her conservative friends and subscribers who she always reminds us she “loves” in her videos.
Shoe thinks Ashleigh Coffin will be useful in the “left wing pipeline thing”
Last but not least

Shoe admits she’s a socialist and implies “socdem” is a cover.

Sargon, SFO and everyone she blocked vindicated again.

Leftist grifters eat shit.

Don’t fall for this conniving roastie’s grift.

Subscribe to @SydneyLWatson instead
Imagine letting Motte (Shoe) and Bailey (Vaush) brainwash you into becoming one of their little antifa soldiers. Thousands have fallen for their grift!

Subscribe to @Friended4Ever @PSA_Sitch @SFOSecretary @IamSean90
People who don’t have to hide their real beliefs.
Oh and if you’re wondering what Shoe’s ex has been up to and hoping it was just her who hopped on the crazy train, I have some bad news.
High praise from senpai.

Anyone who believes they’re not working together to indoctrinate young people into far leftism is delusional. They celebrate Shoe being the gateway.
Leaving this in the main thread because I’m tired of people defending this grifter as if he’s any better than Shoe. If anything he’s worse but was smart enough to stop talking about politics.
I don’t think She changed for money. I think she was genuinely radicalized over the years, speed ran it in 2019 and now wants to radicalize others. There’s no doubt Shoe was always left wing... but she was never radical.

Tbh this might just be the fate of every American liberal
This is a survey Shoe did months ago of 20,000 people in her audience. I’ll let the results speak for themselves.

This should be worrying to you. If it’s not, you’re complicit.
Picture from 2017. Do you think Shoe thinks what she is doing now is making the left great again? Defending domestic terrorism while calling all conservatives “sociopaths”?
Interesting shirt, @shoe0nhead
Every time somebody rightfully criticizes Shoe for something she started, she will go dark as soon as they hit back then Vaush will attack them. This is all done on purpose.
It goes both ways.

Sargon called this all out FIVE MONTHS AGO and he’s still mocked mercilessly for it by the crumbtube idiots.
You can follow @BasedAbbo.
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