hey, Georgia voters! 👋🏻

you probably already know we have two Senate seats on the ballot for us next month, and both are important! but here's why we should pay extra attention to the Loeffler seat.

the election for the Loeffler seat, while it does take place on 11/3, is actually a *special election*, since she was appointed to the seat after Johnny Isakson's retirement earlier this year. the person who wins this seat will serve out the remaining two years of Isakson's term.
this means, since there are no primaries in special elections, there will be a bunch of candidates on the ballot— including other popular Republicans (Doug Collins, among others) with whom Loeffler will likely split the Republican vote.
if Dems (and everyone else) can coalesce behind one candidate and win a majority of the votes, that would flip the seat and prevent a runoff election between the top two finishers in January.
SO! this is my plea to my fellow blue voters to not split the Dem vote, and to vote for Rev. Raphael Warnock on November 3rd! I know it's difficult to trust polls after 2016, but polling shows this race essentially tied between Warnock and Loeffler, so we HAVE to show up.
I've been impressed by @ReverendWarnock's platform, and he's racked up endorsements from people I respect, including Barack Obama, Stacey Abrams, and my late Congressman, John Lewis. you can read more about his stance on various issues here. https://warnockforgeorgia.com/issues/ 
Georgians deserve someone in the Senate who represents the interest of, well, Georgians— not someone who openly tweets and says racist remarks, or who traded millions of dollars in stocks after receiving a private briefing on the COVID-19 pandemic in January.

vote Warnock!
for info on how to volunteer or donate to help the Warnock campaign:

(and please let me know if you'd like to volunteer together! these next three weeks are so important.) https://warnockforgeorgia.com/ 
and you should ALSO vote for Jon Ossoff in Georgia's other, regular Senate election on November 3rd! David Perdue has done nothing in six years to represent our interests, and we should vote him out.

donate to or volunteer for @ossoff's campaign here: https://electjon.com/ 
You can follow @hellomadalyn.
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