. @CindyHydeSmith is currently running a TV ad in which she claims she has improved access to quality health care in Mississippi.

When I saw it, I thought, “WHAT!?”

My opponent is NOT telling the truth about her health care record. I think we ought to take a closer look. 👇🏾
. @CindyHydeSmith voted FIVE times to undermine protections for 600,000 Mississippians with pre-existing conditions.

She wants to go back to the awful days where anyone with a pre-existing condition could be denied insurance, or charged more, for having a pre-existing condition.
. @CindyHydeSmith’s #1 priority is to repeal the Affordable Care Act (with no plan to replace it).

No wonder she co-sponsors legislation that undermines the ACA, and just last week voted AGAINST protecting Mississippians with pre-existing conditions.
. @CindyHydeSmith wants to strip away Medicaid expansion — a proven solution to help our rural hospitals.

Under her leadership, our rural hospitals are facing more closures and financial stress. Five rural hospitals have closed in the last few years. FIVE!
. @CindyHydeSmith doesn’t care if repealing the Affordable Care Act hurts our economy.

She doesn’t care if it forces seniors to pay more for life-saving prescription drugs.

She doesn’t care if it forces young folks off of their parents’ health care plans at 18, instead of 26.
. @CindyHydeSmith minimized the severity of the coronavirus pandemic from the beginning — and now 1 in 1,000 Mississippians are dead.

She took a month-long vacation after refusing to pass coronavirus relief. She even claimed we should “put the brakes on” additional relief.
. @CindyHydeSmith is NOT telling the truth about her record on health care, and under her leadership, Mississippi ranked last for health care outcomes.

We are just so sick of it.

I will be your Health Care Senator, and together we will expand Medicaid and protect the ACA.
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