hello there, you may not know me or my existence. maybe this is the first time, or the only time you'll see me on your timeline. maybe you won't, therefore we shall meet in the next spring day. but PLEASE OPEN! this, i have some methods, and reassuring words just for you. (safe)
hello to my dear friends and non oomfs, has the sun shined on your wonderful self today? how is school treating you as of late? have you eaten your first meal of the day? it's okay if you have yet to, or if today feels a little more dreary than usual. we all have those moments.
no matter what, you have accomplished something - and guess what that is? waking up today! fresh state of mind, beautiful new opportuntities awaiting to rush into your arms. i'm super proud of you. you are strong, admirable and doing what you can. that is more than okay.
whoever you are, whoever you wish or hope to be. it's in your grasp. no matter the circumstance or predicaments in the way. you've got this one in the bag! there is no one else out there like you, because you are so special. you were created to impact this world. with your
amazing mind, and wonderful self. sometimes we wake up on the wrong side of the bed! missing the bus? end up late to something important. it's okay, it makes you human. the most human one can be.
mistakes are frowned upon, and for what? they are the stepping stone to anchoring you towards a better and more educated version of yourself. you are you for a reason.
all flowers must go through dirt to grow, prosper, and flourish.
not feeling loved today? here comes your own personal love bot! no matter what pronouns you use, whoever you are - are so undeniably treasured and loved. either your comfort idol, or whoever is simply entering your mind. if it's a lil empty then throw me in there! junie ❤️s you!
intermission ! woo. here are some apps that focus on meditation, clearing your mind and more.

HEADSPACE - trial but then have to pay.
CALM - trial but then have to pay.
MINDFULNESS - trial but then have to pay.
a little fact: no matter your identity, sexuality, gender, or race. you are super valid. the stars and moon will always be on your side!
happiness comes and goes, but when was the last time you got that burst of euphoria? follow what your heart desires. figure out what you are passionate, indulge in content that brings you safety and ease.
your getaway and sanctuary does not have to be that of a bedroom. it's okay if it is a person, it's okay if it is an item/and or object. it's okay if it is a show or movie of some sort. if it calms your mind down, then i am happy for you.
is the environment you are currently in radiating positive vibes? or are you feeling a bit on edge? either or is justifable. please remember that whatever you experience is valid in my eyes, and so many others
"But you know, happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light." ― Albus Dumbledore
here is something i tell mysef when i feel a lil stuck in the mud : if it's meant to be, it is meant to be. if it's not meant to be, it's not meant to be. and that is okay.
whatever it is weighing on you, will pass in due time. don't make a permanent action on something that is potentially temporary. you are so much more than that, you have so much to accomplish.
touch deprived? here is a hug !
the people you love, may come and go. it's okay, you're going to be okay. you are your own person, and you are doing absolutely amazing.
clearing your mind is not a simple task at first, but trust me when i say it gets easier in due time. when you start to replace those negative connotations with positive encouragement. things are bound to change. i believe in you.
hello, did you know that right before you go to sleep the stars wish you good night? they twinkle in delight as they see you start to rest peacefully after a tough day!
chicken noodle soup is good for your soul, but you know what else is? self love! start of with baby steps. tell yourself in the morning "today is going to be a good day", or when you look at the mirror smile at your reflection instead of grimacing.
you are beautiful/handsome just the way you are.
did you know music can automatically bring you back down to earth from whenever things get a little too much? take some time out of your day and compile a playlist of your comfort songs! or perhaps update your playlist if you already have one. make sure to crank up the volume <3
you, you are not a waste of space <3 you, you alone light up any room you walk into. you, you are otherworldly and amazing in what you do.
wow, you look absolutely wonderful today.
you are your light, the provider of your needs. make sure to take care of yourself okay? even if it is just taking a breather, or reminding yourself how loved you are. remember you are your own first priority.
you are more than enough, through and through. you are worth everything.
try to filter out those words with negative connotations and replace it with positive encouragement/ motivational words! this is beneficial to your mind and helps you feel more at ease and not overworked.
hey there, take a deep breath. step back and evaluate what is around you. what are the first five things you can see? hear? smell? touch? you are okay, you are here in the now. take care of yourself, yeah?
i hope whatever is restricting you from fluttering your wings will go away.
what is something that makes you over the moon happy? something that brings you ease and comfort. (qrt then bookmark so you can come back to it when you feel down <3)
what's the slogan or life motto that keeps you moving forward?
you and you alone, are the foundation of your beating heart, wonderful mind and body. please remember to take care of yourself <3
your grades do not define your self worth nor intelligence. you are so much more than that percentage or letter on that paper.
did you know on streaming music platforms like apple music, spotify, soundcloud and more- that there are podcasts and playlists available. focused on working through the hardships within your mind and ways to calm you based on your mood? give them a look!
no matter where you are in this world, what time it is, what you are doing - i'm here for you!
it's okay if you are still discovering your sexuality / pronouns and overall identity. it may be daunting, but remember others are still trying to discover themselves throughout the length of their life.
hugs? hugs <3 i care you :D
anyway this is it 🥺 i hope you stay around or we meet again on our own spring day !
i'll miss you so much, and if you want to be friends - i am more than happy to! love myself, love yourself, peace ! <3 (remember to share this thread to those who may need it!)
You can follow @flowerbenders.
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