expose thread on @/wherertheblades ( #edtwt / #shtwt)
before we start:

i'm remaining anonymous because i'm in recovery and no longer have my edtwt/shtwt account.

i'm "exposing" her because I don't want anyone else to be subject to her extremely abusive and disgusting behavior.

[ tw for suicide , self harm , abuse, EDs ]
1) she was extremely toxic, manipulative, and abusive throughout our entire friendship
2) she gaslighted and blackmailed me into being her friend.
3) abusive towards her dog(s) ...?
4) i'm not sure how to explain this but wtf? (the picture is of a really deep cut that she eventually got stitched up)
tw/ rape

5) on several occasions, she went into detail about how she'd been raped and still kept telling me stories about it even after i asked her not to since it's a huge trigger for me.
6) she still follows and interacts with @/jessaryo even though she's pro-life and thinks abortion is murder.
7) she knows that the way she treats people is wrong... she just doesn't wanna acknowledge it.
8) there were several occasions where she blackmailed me into sending her body checks. this was when i was at one of my lowest points and it harmed my mental health so much.
9) she claims she's not pro-s/h but she encouraged me to cut several times.
10) sent me pics of her purge twice ...
11) she's overall just a disgusting and abusive person and no one should ever have to go through what she made me go through. it was honestly a pretty traumatic experience for me and i wish i'd never interacted with her.
do what you wish with this info and stay safe, shtwt & edtwt <3
I just wanna add on that I don't want anyone to go and hate on her. Please be as nice as possible if you're going to interact with her!!!
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