Ok, let’s do this thing:

Let’s talk about “nice” ableism because it’s currently dominating the news cycle with #TrumpHasCovid.
So one of the things Nondisabled people believe is because they don’t often see physical or verbal harm targeting disabled people in the news and instead see inspirational stories, that those saccharine representations aren’t harmful. That couldn’t be further from the truth.
In an effort to make disability palatable to nondisabled people (who are susceptible to they themselves becoming disabled) they often employ inspiration porn to commodify and profit off of disability representation. This is what you’re seeing right now with Trump.
Common tropes used in inspiration porn show disabled people as “warriors,” “fighters” and “overcoming” disability or a diagnosis.

While nondisabled people use these, they make disabled people very uncomfortable one of the reasons why is because they erase the actual person in
Favor of the mythology created around them.

Pay attention to that when it comes to Trump.

They are using the public’s common reaction to disability to erase his actions as president—and people are already falling for it. Over the past few weeks the language of “nice” ableism
Will fail to express what he’s actually done in favor of a narrative that paints him as a leader and fighter. You need to vehemently push back and continue to connect his diagnosis, his failed leadership and his ego to the reason why 210,000 people have been lost.
You can follow @Imani_Barbarin.
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