COVID Update: Trump’s closing argument: “don’t be afraid of COVID.” 1/
Now that Trump is an expert on COVID— not the book learning kind you get by reading the reports that have been presented to him for months on end— but the kind REAL people get— he has an inescapable conclusion. 2/
There’s a million people worldwide, many of whom, presented exactly the way Trump presented, and who died. 3/
Those other million people who didn’t have dozens of doctors, an arsenal of drugs, including a compassionate use cocktail not available to anyone. Or a helicopter. 4/
Don’t be afraid also means don’t be afraid to infect other people— to knowingly travel and campaign & ride with secret service agents.

SO FAR 30 people have been infected in this debacle. 5/
At some point the lying White House will not have a choice but that the tick tick will come out of when they knew & when Trump knew he had been exposed to someone with COVID.

The answer won’t be pretty. 6/
This “why should you worry when I don’t” theme plays throughout his presidency.

Let someone sue to take away his health care & see how he likes it. 7/
Despite no need to worry, the rest of the country without Dr. Sparky, don’t have it so good.

COVID hospitalizations are climbing. 11 in a row. 8/
More cases than since mid-August. More hospitalizations.
Every time that happens death counts go up.

But there’s nothing to worry about he assures us. 9/
Maybe he still thinks his words still mean anything to people any more.

Yes, there are maskless freedom prayer chains that wish him good health, but few people take their word from him. 10/
Only 28% think he wasn’t taking appropriate precautions with himself.

And that’s somebody he loves! Wait until you see how he treats you. 11/
People don’t care about Trump as much as they do his ability to appoint someone to the Supreme Court who believes ALL white people & corporations should vote & life begins when Mike Pence is in the same room with a woman. 12/
The lifetime appointment of a Supreme Court Justice is supposed to have a hearing with the handful of GOP Senators who don’t have Corona. Let’s discuss that....13/
The Senate Republicans can’t find time to renew unemployment or wear a mask at an indoor party, but they will walk over dead essential workers to vote on Barrett. 14/
Ron Johnson has said he will come to the Senate floor to vote on Amy Barrett despite having COVID, endangering his fellow Senators.

Thank you. Nice try Ron but even with that Tom Cotton is still a bigger ass. 15/
Having a hearing on Zoom?? Are you kidding. Want to find out if Barrett will agree to cast a deciding vote from Trump & she replies on Mute? It’s a filibuster dream.

If Barrett has any honor, she will ask for her hearing to be postponed so it can done properly. In person. Without Mike Lee coughing all over.

By the way, was it possible for him to get any closer at the Coronaparty? 17/
“How do people get this? I don’t believe it’s contagious!”

And she’s yelling back: “My whole family has had it. And is that Wintergreen or Peppermint toothpaste you use Senator!?”18/
Yes, AFTER 210,000 deaths & AFTER becoming a walking hot spot, he says he now understands COVID. 19/
4 years ago not far from this time, Trump bragged how he could just grab women by the crotch. Now he’s putting people’s lives at risk & telling people not to worry as the death toll climbs & climbs on his watch. 20/
This is all we ask. 10 minutes if you want to listen. More important than any politician will ever be.
In 11/ “wasn’t” should be “was.”
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