Why the angry birds are perfectly viable to be in a smash bros, a thread;

While yeah if you’re a man baby reading this you’ll be a pissed that I think mobile gaming characters deserve to be in it more than your favorite AAA titled meathead -
main character. Many don’t realize Angry Birds is single handedly one of if not thee game that launched mobile gaming into the mainstream, hell I still see people playing it even now and even I still launch the app up every now and then.
Angry Birds at the moment I’d say roughly has well over 1 billion downloads, to take into account, Minecraft (highest grossing indie game of all time) has over 200 million sells including mobile and digital. Angry birds was not only exclusive to mobile devices because it was-
ported to the PC and soon after consoles. Whether y’all like to admit it or not, mobile gaming is currently the largest gaming platform in the world and there is no representation for it in smash and I feel angry birds is un-ironically the best way to show mobile gaming’s-
accomplishments since 2008. As a reminder, smash bros is a celebration of gaming history, angry birds has clearly worked to the title of being gaming history. Another little reminder that angry birds has sold countless products, many brand deals, 2 movies in counting, TV shows-
spin-offs and much more. You can talk to almost anyone and I’m sure they heard of angry birds unlike some characters say master chief, while very popular I know many people wouldn’t know who he is other than gamers and smash bros isn’t a game exclusively catered to gamers rather-
everyone hence the rating E for everyone. I’d argue if there’s more characters from games like angry birds it can draw some other audiences too. I was genuinely happy when Steve was announced because he is not only the most different character out of all the roster but also he-
is the most important character in gaming history in terms of where he came from. Same situation with angry birds, both games showed that an indie game can be just as or far beyond more successful than most AAA titles and that alone inspired many upon many developers to start-
developing their own games with confidence that they might be like them. Look at cuphead another indie game that thrived off its success and even has an inclusion in smash. While other birds not as iconic I can guarantee you anyone can recognize this big red bird.
I still cannot stress this enough but I still need to clarify that angry birds is one of the most iconic games ever and it’s inclusion in smash may not happen but it is still something to think about.
For those concerned what the move set would even be if you’ve played the game you know each bird has its own individual abilities, I’d assume it’ll work kind of like PokĂ©mon trainer where you can switch out the birds. It can also be like ice climbers where they work in a group.
Smash attack will obviously be the mighty eagle.
This is the end of this thread. Whether you liked it or not I beg you to please retweet and share. It might not be happen but it’s still something to note. Goodbye â˜ș
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