I finally understand the concept of the Partition mv
Partition is such a sad song 😞
Ooooo, I’m gonna make a thread of Beyoncé songs where the songs is like: ☺️🥰😍😘😛🤪🥳
But the lyrics are like:😔😖😕😣😥😯😮
The song is like:😁☺️😊🥰🤗
But the lyrics are like:😟😳🥵😨😶
This song Bc the song is so fun to sing 🤗 but if you listen to the lyrics, the whole time she’s saying that she wants to leave him but she’ll be jealous seeing him with another woman😟
Love on Top Bc ofc it sounds like it’s just a regular rnb song but the whole time she’s begging him to put her love “on top”. Which means to make it his priority when it already should be😔
This song a poor example Bc it’s only this one line but I wanna include it Bc it’s one of my favorite songs ever. “If you leave me, you outta yo mind” and the whole time, she’s talking about all the stuff she does for him. Like tricking😯
Partition Bc it’s a really sexy and fun song but the lyrics are very sad. “I just wanna be the girl you like”😞 I think that’s self explanatory
XO is a form of nostalgia and it’s a song that you can just sit back and relax to but if you listen the lyrics, it’s basically saying that they need to enjoy life or each other’s love before they run out of time or you🙁...
Blue isn’t really that sad but I think it’s saying that her and Blue just wanna hold onto each other before they run out of time and that Blue is Beyoncé’s biggest achievement. As is all of her children🥳
End of thread!
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