There are so many bad takes out there on why Haredim seem to have been neglecting the rules when in came to this pandemic.
And unfortunately a lot of those are based on Stereotypical thinking and seeing them as a monoliths.
So it’s time for a thread. >>
Demographics - as with many minorities Haredim live in big households, In many cases multi-generational.
Super-spreading events - we now know that the spread of the virus isn’t linear and the larger an event the bigger the risk. Charedim hold such events 3 times a day >>
Before getting to the blame game, try to thing if you would have been able to change something you did from age 13 everyday and believed that this is what holds you sane, connected, grounded.
For Charedi males going to shul is everything! — their social and spiritual fundation >>
Most Charedi people I know haven’t missed a day of going to shul since they’re 13. Sometimes with great personal and financial sacrifice. The shul is where you have your spiritual leader, your closest friends, your library and even your local Cafe >>
In addition to that. There is limited access to information. The minority of people in the community who have access to media are deep in Trumpland being brainwashed with disregard to the CDC/Fauci and fed with conspiracy theories >>
Doubling down on enforcement in a community where they’re deeply skeptical about the effectiveness of those measures, is not just ineffective but also counterproductive and quite frankly- stupid. >>
So what can be done? I don’t know but it starts with recognizing that more enforcement and crackdown isn’t the answer, especially when the majority of the community is convinced that it’s all a hoax by the Democrats (it’ll be over after November..) >>
The only way - in my opinion- as of now is helping arrange massive outdoor spaces (perhaps parks) for communal prayer and community events, get the communities to agree in good faith to momentarily close the synagogue buildings and event venues >>
The Haredi narrative is that “we proved that despite relaxed rules We got away with it” — which is completely false. Authorities have to present the staggering death toll in the Haredy community and present it to the rabbis to get them to forcefully cooperate >>
Oh and I forgot about the blame. There is a massive leadership lack in the Charedi world. Many of the great leaders past away in the last few years. Unlike what people think— most Charedi people are not necessarily listening to a certain rabbi. Very much is built on consensus. >>
Also, there isn’t such a thing as “Haredy leadership” — it’s a community comprised of hundreds of sub-groups. Many of them not necessarily adhering to any rabbi. So the notion that “the rabbis should just says this and this....” is completely ridiculous >>
The only way is building trust and good faith with as many community leaders and activist. Understanding deeply how different this world is and their unique needs and red-lines and operate with what’s possible instead with what’s ideal.
Clarification: I don’t suggest that social interaction isn’t a crucial part of any culture. But while much of the social interaction can be maintained in safe open spaces, or even virtual. In the case of Haredim - mostly without internet- this is very very different >>
To sum it up. It’s a combination of bad - or a total lack - of leadership within the Charedi world. And extreme incompetence of city and state authorities with viewing rules and regulations as one size fits all, and enforcement as a substitute to communication.
BTW. Speaking of communication and messaging. This isn’t a one way street. If you know and listen to the Haredy community there is no chance they will accept that Protests - however important and urgent - are more important than prayers or other religious duties. >>
So any enforcement has to come with measures of accommodation. And In general messaging and communication has to come from a perspective that you talk to a group where 80% have no exposure to outside Media and the rest mostly to toxic talk shows with disinformation.
Also: excuse the embarrassing amount of grammar and spelling mistakes. I wrote in a rush and in a state of extreme irritation 🙈
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