People think it’s just about pornography or other inappropriate content when they say they want to ban under 18s from the site, but really it’s because teenagers are annoying and have bad opinions and think they’re valid and worthy of being listened to.
I couldn’t care less what bizarre filth you’re exposed to, you gotta learn some day you petulant little whiners.
If your response to being told “twitter should be 18+” is anything other than “good thing i’m 37 heh heh” then we have a problem.
Believe me I'd prefer it if teens and grown adult children could share the website peacefully, but teenagers now refuse to do as Romans do and treat being a minor as some kind of identity- and for that they need to be crushed with banhammers and taught its wrong to be themselves.
Don't be you, don't express yourself. Be someone else who doesn't suck and say stupid things.
For example
In the space of about 50 years we've gone from:

"wait in the car kids, mum and dad are going to the pub for a quick one"


"a 23 year old dating a 24 year old is age fetishism. wow this blew up, don't forget to vote"
There are two kinds of teenager who've responded to this.

Cool mature ones who're probably pretending to be adults who can spot facetious hyperbolepoasting and went "haha yeah it do be like that"

And others who went "yOu CaN't BaN pEoPlE fOr BeInG AnNoYiNg".
It's like sticking a heated wire labelled "ban everyone under 18" into a petri dish full of blood to see which member of the arctic science team is the teenage thing and having the blood leap out and scream "THAT'S RACIST AGAINST MINORS"
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