Now that we are 48 hours removed from the Florida Game, here are my thoughts on Gamecock Football.
1. The fanbase is broken. Even myself, a Muschamp guy, was frustrated with Saturday. In my opinion, the frustrations stems over one thing: communication. What he says and what happens are often times 100% accurate. But it’s the discrepancies that kill him.
“Joyner and Doty will be featured in this offense.” Why say that and not come thru? Gamesmanship? If so, it doesn’t work. Is it because Doty is the #2? If so, say that. Is it because Joyner is actually not that good of an athlete? Then why tell us he needs the ball in his hands?
“I’m not giving injury updates anymore?” Why? That seems (to me) to be the exact opposite approach to take? If you’re getting killed by the fanbase and being questioned for everything, then why allow fans to speculate on who is injured and who just isn’t getting playing time?
2. We need to stop pumping sunshine. Tbh, I don’t know where it is generated. I’m guilty of it because I follow recruiting so closely. And when you look at the ratings (247 had the 2020 Class Ranked #13), we should be a good football team. But enough with the...
Narrative that this defense is elite. It’s not. In my heart, I think it could be. But I haven’t seen it. “Israel is a potential first rounder”... that should be followed with “because he has the measurables and potential.” He surely isn’t playing like a first rounder.
And I hate singling him out because he seems like such a great guy. In fact, I like all of them. But so many of those guys love to talk the talk, but don’t walk the walk. If I’m a coach on that staff, I grab any of them and yank them off the field when they celebrate down 21.
Point 2 is related to point 1. You hear so much positive noise coming out of the practice facility and by the media and by dudes like me. But when you can’t catch the football or tackle, fans don’t really give a damn what Muschamp has to say on Thursday Night.
3. Finally, it’s because it feels close. But very far. Dadgum, this offense can move the ball when it wants to. This defense can make a stand when it wants to. You’re about five total plays away from being 2-0. But you’re 0-2. And that’s the problem...
Eventually, you got to put some together. @ErikKimrey said it best, there is no momentum right now in this program. Fans assume we will lose. Even me, a positive, forward thinking guy, had that pit of doom feeling throughout the week.
Carolina needs to string the wins together. It’s actually so much closer than many pundits and opposing fans think, which makes losing feel that much more regressive. Auburn. Circle it. Season will be determined Oct10. I have never said on here a game is must win. Auburn will be.
I’m not giving up on Muschamp. Not giving up on this team or this athletic department or this program. When you learn how to ride a bike, 99% of it is failing and falling and being frustrated. But the second it clicks, that last 1% is all that matters. But it needs to click soon.
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