if you wanna teach people about climate change, teach them first about how 100 companies are responsible for 71% of carbon emissions before you tell them that they should turn off all the lights before leaving their house
or teach them that so-called green energy companies like electric car or biomass energy companies don't do shit for the planet and are heavy polluters and nature destroyers themselves
wait for billionaire funded propagandists to attack these claims with lies by pointing to corporate funded outlets - funded by institutes/corporations heavily involved in mass pollution industries - to "disprove" these facts
these are the 100 https://twitter.com/besf0rt/status/1313464073535795200
people saying we are mainly responsible for the profits of these companies are being ridiculous. it's like blaming facebook users for not just leaving, or refusing to hold drug cartels accountable; this is about governments burdening the working class instead of the powerful
notice i didn't make the case that you yourself shouldn't do anything, it's about changing the narrative that we as individuals should pay the price and change our behavior instead of making the systemic changes needed to prevent the climate catastrophe
notice the the neoliberal paradigm being used against you every fucking time: just switch jobs, just work harder, just use public transport, just don't order from amazon, etc. this is incredibly shortsighted and ignores any effective solution for just about everything
if your takeaway is "oh i guess i don't have to care anymore about climate change then" you are missing the point. a state focussing exclusively on demand driven change is not only ineffective, it is anti-worker:it serves to protect profits and the leverage from mega corporations
and their investors. there is a whole incentive system behind keeping a system alive, just like with systemic racism, etc. working class people often do not have the resources to comfortably switch to inconvenient or expensive alternatives. the goal should be to change these
incentives by tackling the very structures that keep the large producers & other actors in these value chains in destroying the planet. by being informed on who is responsible,we have the tools to more effectively tackle the issue as individuals, to go beyond switching off lights
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