“Israelis colonised Palestine and they stole Palestinian land”. My thread will highlight how this is nothing but an Anti-Semitic slur.
Firstly let’s talk about the term colonisation. The term colonisation means the action or process of settling among and establishing control over the indigenous people of an area.
My problem with the the statement is how can Israel colonise Palestine when there’s Jewish architecture there dating back from thousands of years.
Secondly, Jewish people were expelled from the homes in Europe for simply being Jewish. Do you know that dating back from 733 BCE (Before Common Era) the Jewish people were expelled from their homes? Please bear in mind that this continues till this day.
The main one I want you to focus on is Pogroms. Pogroms was a riot that wanted to massacre and expel Jews. They also wanted to ethnic cleanse Jews too. This happened in the 19th century and the 20th century. This occurred in the Russian empire.
Let me briefly provide you with knowledge about the Ottoman Empire and what they controlled. The Ottoman Empire was established in 1299. They had control over countries such as Turkey, Greece, Egypt, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Romania, Jordan, Syria and most importantly Palestine.
The Ottomans conquered Palestine in 1516. Palestine remained under the leadership of the Ottoman Empire until 1917. The British governed this area in 1917.
There are 3 agreements which were published about who the land should go to
1. McMahon Agreement- This was published in 1915. Sir Henry McMahon met with Sherif Hussein in Makkah and told him the Arab land would return to Arabs. This agreement excluded Palestine.
2. The Balfour Declaration- This was published in 1917, 2 years after the McMahon agreement. Lord Rothschild wrote to the foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour about making Palestine a Jewish state. Arthur Balfour Agreed to this.
3.The Faisal-Weissman agreement- This was published in 1919. Faisal bin Hussein bin Ali al Hashemi agreed to accept the balfour declaration and encourage Jewish settlement and immigration to Palestine. He agreed to this.
After reading this thread, I hope you understand that Israel is not “stolen” land from the Arabs because it never belonged to the Arabs in the first place.
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