Conservatives in the US celebrate in Christian women the very things they pathologize in Muslim women, and with #AmyConeyBarrett they have gone into overdrive h/t @cpepp
White liberal women want to save Muslim women -preferably over there somewhere- and white conservative women want to feel superior to Muslim women & so refuse to see anything in their beliefs that consigns them to subservience & submission they think Muslim women must live with.
And knowing that, I wrote this the day after #Trump nominated #AmyConeyBarrett for the Supreme Court at the now historic #COVID19 Saturday Superspreader on the White House Lawn.

If Amy Coney Barrett was a Muslim by @monaeltahawy
Take every question you ever asked/heard asked about Muslim women and ask them of the white women who led the charge to the fucking disaster that awaits:
- Who indoctrinated them? 
- Who taught them to submit to men?
- Why are they so brainwashed?
- Should I save them?
When I moved back to the U.S. from Egypt in 2017, I semi-joked that I was returning to save white women. Well, here I am. Telling you what to do.

And I’ll be fucking damned if I tiptoe around #AmyConeyBarrett.

Fuck the patriarchy everywhere/
This isn’t “my flavour of patriarchy is tastier than yours.” This is “fuck the patriarchy everywhere.”

This is a wake the fuck up because clearly you’ve been drifting, cruising on the delusions that your whiteness will save you from white supremacist patriarchy.

Nothing will.
I want white women in the U.S. to take all their earnest “How can I help Muslim women” & “Why do Muslim women submit to misogyny?” questions & obsess over their white sisters who benefit from white supremacist patriarchy & who don’t give a flying fuck how it hurts entire world.
No matter how often those of us from authoritarian countries who know to be suspicious of state power & those of us who have fought fascism-be it via military rule/rule of religious fundamentalists-warned, white Americans arrogantly shook their head that it couldn’t happen here.
And no matter how often we warned you that the fate of nations is not a straight line bending towards a “manifest destiny,” you only saw Iran and women in chadors or Afghanistan and women in burqas and refused to believe that their fate awaited you. #AmyConeyBarrett
You can follow @monaeltahawy.
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