What happens when sickness is mistaken for failure? And honesty for negativity?

This is the great exhaustion of having cancer or COVID or ANY kind of a fragility in a bootstrapping, science-fearing, positive thinking world. To the delusional go the spoils. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1313186529058136070
Megachurch pastors and televangelists have been (rightly) criticized since the late 1980s for their uncritical promotion of the power of "positive faith" for as a bid for power.

But I would love an honest reckoning for the MANY who have allowed this narrative to go unchallenged
The number of times when I have been asked to make my cancer into a "miracle" or a "failure" (where I have lost my "battle") shows the lack of textured language in this bizarre WINNER TAKE ALL approach to the human condition.

We don't need winners. We need truth.
The performance of invulnerability is ALWAYS theater.

But as a Stage IV cancer patient and a historian of positive thinking, may I joyfully remind you that "fake it till you make it" is neither Christian, presidential, or medically wise.

Life is a chronic condition.
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