Black men & black women hate each other.

Black women won't deal with a black man unless he has money, she'll be unfeminine & naggy to an average dude. Yet will get with a white dude at the same level & be feminine & cooperative.

Black men have insane beauty standards...
For black women & will refuse to provide & protect but will get with a frumpy white girl & do all the above for her.

It's almost like without money for women or extreme beauty for men, that we as black people don't see each other as valuable.
Communities are made from families, black people don't have families. Single mother households are BROKEN. That shouldn't be the norm, but for us, it is.

White women hate their men but they can afford to, their communities are built. Can we afford to continue?
Having multiple women is great fun but if we ever hope to build the black community, financially, culturally & uniformly. We need to get the black family right. Till then we will continue to be as fucked, broken & lost as we are now.
Fathers & men of the community should be the body which regular men account to, men should be the body that women account to.

Fathers should be present in their homes & screen the quality of man his daughter brings. Daughters should trust their fathers to pick the best man...
This is what SHOULD happen. By having a body of men to account to, every man is held accountable for mistreating his woman or his position as head of the household. Women wouldn't mind suvmittong if they knew their men were properly drilled & vetted by the community...
Furthermore, men wouldn't mind marrying & wifing women because the community would keep tabs on who is with who & for what reason. Men would have to account for their intentions with another mans daughter.

Whoring, single motherhood, abuse & degenerecy would nosedive...
This would build stable families on stable value. Stable relationships, stable people, stable communities & stable neighbourhoods.

This would make black areas more prone to outside investment, would boost the efficacy & trust within the black community & bring us together.
This all starts with the black FAMILY. You can't be a community of INDIVIDUALS. We must be a community of FAMILIES.

But alas this will never happen. We love easy, accessible pussy too much. This wouod require men to account before another man before being with his daughter...
This would require men to do MORE work to get ONE well trained woman. Reality is, it isn't worth it for men. Wholesome, traditional women wouldn't let you fuck whether they were attracted or not.
You had to marry them to get some.
This won't happen. Pussy is too easy. If one girl denies you, you'll open your contacts & 5 others will do so gladly.

Best chance we have at a community died when gangster rap told our boys that all women are bitches & hos, & feminism told our girls that being a slut is powerful
In a perfect world boys would undergo initiation to become men & be recognized in the community. Girls would be raised to become women & also recognized in the community. All those who hadn't undergone the right of passage would be recognised as redflags & steered clear from...
In a perfect world, this would alleviate the fear women have of submitting to men as they would be skilled & competent & raised with social proof.

Men wouldn't mind dealing with women as they would know they were pure, feminine & capable of being a wife.

In a perfect world...
But like I said, that shit aont happening. So ladies keep dishong out that WAP cause you been doing that, men, keep racking up your "bitches" cause you're "Alpha". Do as you please, love your life. But at the very least understand the consequences of it.
In the end, do as you please. Men who want wives will build great women, men who want concubines & rotations will get them. Men who want greatness & achievements will get that. Men will be as men were, shapers of their destinies & the world.

Chase excellence. Find YOUR purpose
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