I'm frustrated with all this "LGBT rights are on the ballot" and "reproductive rights are on the ballot." They are on the ballot EVERY EVEN-NUMBERED YEAR. Every time there's a presidential election. Every time there's a senate election.

LGBT rights were on the ballot in 2016.

Reproductive rights were on the ballot in 2016.

Amy Coney Barrett will very likely be placed on the Supreme Court THIS MONTH, because y'all didn't think this shit was on the ballot in 2016 or 2018.
The US right has spent the last 40 years working overtime to put white supremacists and religious fanatics not only on the Supreme Court, but across the federal judiciary. They vote like this shit is on the ballot EVERY SINGLE ELECTION.

Healthcare, reproductive rights, and LGBT rights are going to be early victims WHEN Amy Coney Barrett is confirmed. Because short of the hand of God swooping down and smiting the Senate GOP, she WILL BE confirmed.

Because a whole lot of folks stayed their asses at home in 2016.
Because "Hillary is a neoliberal," and "These candidates are Republican lite," and "Why am I going to vote for the lesser of 2 evils?"

This is why you vote, you ignorant motherfuckers.

A 6-3 far right SCOTUS majority.
Look. For all the big talk about RGB, we've got another octogenarian liberal judge on SCOTUS who could go at any time. Accidents, strokes, cancer can hit people of any age, and Sotomayor and Kagan are in their 60s.

You want Trump to have 4 more years to get lucky?
A 7-2 majority would mean we wouldn't even have the possibility of a liberal court until I'm on Social Security, and I'm 36. Do you have any idea how much damage could be done in that time?

Do you know how much progress will be lost? How hard we're going to have to fight?
You say you want a revolution, but you can't even get off your asses to go vote for your down-ballot progressives running for state and local offices. You think you're going to win the deep red South with a few well-attended populist rallies in Kentucky and Mississippi.
I see lots of red rose folks saying they're not voting and bitching about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and Joe Manchin, but I don't see them out here fighting for progressive candidates like (in my area) Donna Imam or Julie Oliver or Mike Siegel.

They're sitting out! WHY?
The revolution is committing to fighting for the best possible representation at every level, every single election. The revolution is saying, "I don't like who's at the top of the ticket this year, but if I fight for a progressive state rep now, in 20 years THAT MIGHT BE THEM."
We've GOT to think like the GOP. Set our eyes on what we want this country to look like in 2060 and fight tooth and nail for every incremental gain EVERY YEAR.

If you're waiting for a progressive tsunami to change everything in a single election, change will never happen.
And don't come at me with the "Don't yell at people for not voting. You're not giving them anything to vote for."

I'm yelling at the folks who claim they want to fight, but then do nothing. They want something to vote for, THEY NEED TO FIGHT TO GET THAT ON THE BALLOT.
I want progressive candidates on the ballot. I want more AOCs and Pramila Jayapals and Ilhan Omars and Ayana Pressleys and Rashida Tlaibs. I want them in state legislatures. I want them to be governors. I want them to be US reps and Senators. I want them to be President.
We don't get there if we don't fight for them now. And the longer SOME FOLKS sit out, because they're waiting for the person at the top of the ballot to be a perfect mirror for their politics, the longer we all have to wait for progress, and the more damage that can be done.
I don't care if the only progressive you have to vote for this year is for school board. You get out and fight. You help launch a political career that someday could land them at the top of the ticket, that person you've been longing for. They'll never get there without you.
And remember what's at stake every single year.

Your rights. My rights. The rights of your friends and family. Our health and wellbeing.

The right isn't slowing down just because you don't love the presidential nominee. And they put all of us in danger.
I'm angry because we've likely already lost SCOTUS for 30 years. But we can't go back and fix 2016. We CAN start working now to fix 2050, though. If we don't start now, we never get there.
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