Today on a panel. I listened to a world bank director talk in abstract about how "we" need to focus on livelihoods because the rate of poverty levels increasing was a "grim situation".
I listened against a backdrop of just last week having to go to 3 different private hospitals to find a functioning x-ray machine. Because our health systems are in shambles. Public AND private
But I listened to him with his backdrop of shelves of books talk about frameworks and whittling our lives into abstract theory which he will never have to live through
And watched him ignore actual real life stories because I guess it's easier to engage in abstract theory. I left that call and a friend was trying to find an ambulance for a relative.
So it's sort of hard to see how one can defend privatisation of public services like health. But I guess you can if you have never had to experience shambolic services. It's all bit paper and screen time that you can neatly put away and go for dinner.
Because we live in a time where capital is more important than us. I guess this is what they mean by "building back better"
We live to sit on yet another panel like this. But today. I shut my laptop hoping I get a break from it all for a while... tomorrow will be a new day
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