Survival video games tend to come in two main flavors:
-"cold," which are about being a white person mourning the loss of the "civilized" world
-"hot," which are about being a white person killing Indigenous people and trying to get back to the "civilized" world
seems like the industry could do better than this (I say as a person who tends to enjoy this genre)
Cold games would include The Long Dark and Frostpunk. Hot games would include The Forest and Green Hell
P.S. I haven't thought this through *at all*
I say they could do better because 1.) The anti-Indigenous rhetoric of these games really sucks, even when they're self-aware (Green Hell tries hard to make sure you know the Amazonia tribe you fight aren't bad, just scared),
And 2.) The survival genre rarely tries to imagine an actual alternative to Western modernity. Survival is always only a "getting through" and never a "building towards." They're fundamentally very conservative.
The Flame in the Flood is cold. Factorio is hot.
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