4 those who welcome 4 more years of madness 2 accelerate their “revolution” the rest of us applaud your willingness 2 sacrifice the equality & hope of others so that mostly white men can maintain the benefit of their skin, identity & resume while they quote Marx but live Netflix.
However, does that not necessarily demand of others, be they Black or brown or LGBTQ or those who don’t want to bear a child or have not given up on marriage equality to carry your barricade while you lead the way screaming out justice for all?
Or how much more laudable can it get than to recognize the inhumanity of caged children & forced hysterectomies, but yet, to accept that without visible systemic evil and sacrifice borne, of course, by others there can be no humane advance of your militant message.
And our thanks to those who feel the pain of others who toil in isolation at minimum wage to build walls around our borders and suburban communities to ensure a vibrant dialogue on the danger and damage inherent to uniformity of race, culture and faith.
And how much the better to facilitate a creative primer for generations to come to discover what can go wrong when indifference to unbridled unitary executive power and the complete dismantle of any and all environmental regulations become the norm and not the exception.
And we cannot fail to appreciate your ironic slap at the underpin of eugenics by exposing the cost/benefit analysis of herd immunity & the rid of health care coverage 4 preexistent conditions for tens of millions as the best way to organize support for the most vulnerable among
us, of course, long after they have paid the ultimate price for that teach. & what better way 2 expose the damage endemic to the Federalist Society than to give it a free reign. Go ahead, pack the court so that generations to come will one day understand just how black robes &
white gavels when worn and carried by true believers guarantee totalitarian life. Except, that is, for those same “straight” white male revolutionaries who storm the virtual Bastille with the batter of their privilege through the sacrifice of others.

Snark for thought.
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