A very interesting little video voice clip here.
Nicholas of https://youtube.com/c/NicholasVeniamin promoting presumably his website selling Zim, Dong, Dinar and Rupiah wayyyy above the going rate. Up to 900% profit on one #BunchOfConMen
Look @QohnG I know you've touched this subject before. The Charles Fraud tree I bring you the new branch. Dr Nicholas V and his private 900% profit Forex site. I have screenshots of the previous bundles. Since I warned Dr Ward of this discovery they've increased their prices 💥
@ninoboxer @SantaSurfs you've teamed up with this Fraud Tree haven't you? Currently flogging their Forex which probably won't be reevalute at some extreme rate for some random humanitarian idea.
@1977Spiritual have a look at this thread SiStar ⭐
What's going on in this creepy video straight from his bitchute???
8 seconds 👀 🐍
His first 4 YouTube videos. Introduces himself as Nicholas Veniamen FROM THE Charles Ward Show.
@BeNosey how do you live with your conscious on a daily basis? That's the real human behind the account and not the fraud at the front.
Why is your boss mixing a child into his for adults only YouTube channel?
Why is he allowing his child to promote his Tik Tok to over 100k adults who dive down crazy rabbit holes?
Why is his son on Tik Tok with everything we know about it?
@EXPOSINGLIES10 expose this thread!!!
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